Sunday, 13 November 2011

Bimonthly Weather Report 2011 September October

These two months were appreciably drier and warmer than in 2010.  That only 9 mm rain fell in September was remarkable.  The ground became too hard and dry to work.  Farmers are not able to find enough hay for their animals. By mid October there was no water left in the garden cistern.  But on the 24th the situation was saved by heavy rain.
The Cranes flew south on the 16th and 17th of October, a little late for them.
Ground frosts occurred on the 20-21 October which seemed to suggest that winter was imminent, but it was a false alarm, and at the end of the month summer temperatures had returned. 
The walnut crop was poor with very small nuts falling.  The Hazel tree yielded nothing at all.

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